I associated HomeSite with HTML files, but when I double-click on a file in Explorer, HomeSite opens with a blank document.
For the association to work in Explorer, select "Options" from Explorer's "View" menu, and switch to the "File Types" page. Double-click on the HTML file type in the "List of Registered Files," and then double-click on the "Action" associated with HomeSite. All you need to do is aLI "%1" (including the quotes) to the end of this entry, i.e.: C:\HTML\HomeSite.exe "%1" And also make sure that "Use LIE" is unchecked.
I edit a number of large documents, and it takes several seconds to open each one in HomeSite.
To speed up loading of large documents, turn off HomeSite's color coding.
I like to save my HTML documents with a non-standard file extension, but when I do this they no longer show up in HomeSite's file list.
You can customize which files appear in the document list by going into settings and switching to the 'File Types' page. Just click the 'ADD' button at the bottom of the page to ADD a new extension.
I've already used up all 15 of HomeSite's custom toolbuttons.
Actually, HomeSite has 75 custom toolbuttons, but by default only the first 15 are visible. To show the other 60, right-click on any toolbar and select "show/hide toolbars." Then just choose which sets of custom toolbuttons you'd like to show.
I use an HTML syntax checker on my documents, and it generates a list of line numbers where errors occur. How do I quickly move to these line numbers in HomeSite?
Just click CTRL+G and enter the line number - HomeSite will position the cursor at the start of the line. Make sure to turn word-wrap off before doing this, or else the line numbers won't match up with your syntax checker!